Ashok Vasudevan
If you are a GMO debate follower, you probably belong
to one of four corners in this boxing ring. (Why do rings have corners, you may
wonder, but that is a debate for a different time)
Anti-GMO: You may believe humans should not tamper with
evolution or you are deeply concerned with unforeseen environmental effects that
GMOs may trigger. You are dubious about corporate intent to do good or you may
have a religious opposition to tampering with God’s creatures. Irrespective of
the reasons, you probably oppose genetic research even if it is deeply
regulated. You will vote “Yes” on GMO labeling where you would demand companies
declare GMO ingredients in food labels. Ideally though, you may support a
complete ban on GMO in foods.
Pro GMO & anti-labeling: You support genetic research and believe
responsible and competent scientists are the ones controlling the process. You
think the good it can do far outweighs the risks. You may believe the market
must be allowed to prevail in this debate and not the regulators and that the
environmentalists are habitually shrill and overstating risks. Consequently you
think there is no need to legislate GMO labeling and consumers are not going to
be better served by this bureaucracy.
Pro GMO, but Pro-labeling: You
perhaps believe genetic modification is almost evolutionary or that the GMO
train has inexorably left the platform and there is no turning back. You might
even support GMO in cash crops (Cotton, Tobacco etc.) provided there are
substantial experimental controls on consequences. You may believe the
standards for testing must be raised and include not just efficacy, clinical
and safety trials but also a new level of environmental trials. You do not
easily support genetic modification in food crops and hence will absolutely
support GMO labeling in all food be it in retail packs or in food service
Fence sitter: Perhaps you are
relatively new to the debate or have been overexposed but unconvinced by
arguments on both sides. Perhaps your family is divided on the issue and you
are the impartial referee, or equally likely you just don’t know enough and are
smart enough not to make up your mind with half-truths. You may be pro- science
& left-of-center or you are pro-environment but right of center. In this
debate the fence appears to you the least prickly place for now.
Irrespective of your preferred corner in this
debate, you are probably familiar with Golden
Rice and have probably read a bit about it. It has become the poster child
for the GMO lobby and viewed as a Trojan horse for the watchdogs. Let me
Partially developed by the International Rice
Research Institute (IRRI) in Manila, Philippines Golden Rice is a genetically modified crop that has a gene from
corn and (animal) bacterium embedded in a rice variety that helps produce beta
carotene which is a precursor to Vitamin A in the human body. This is being paraded
as a major breakthrough. Why?
WHO claims, quarter to half a million children
goes blind annually & half of them perish within a year of losing their
sight due to Vitamin A deficiency. Now, you can see where this argument is
IRRI chief Mr. Robert Ziegler and the GMO lobby
are full of righteous indignation that environmentalists and Governments should
even oppose such a miracle as Golden Rice instead of rushing to restore the
sights of millions of children around the world. No surprise, opponents of GMO are
feeling a bit flat-footed. How do you oppose something like this without being
labeled a child killer?! It appears the corporate ‘evil’ shoe is now on the
other foot.
Lets look at some facts on Golden Rice before
we raise our voices from our respective four corners.
- It is now axiomatic that Vitamin A deficiency causes child blindness and that consuming Beta Carotene helps the body produce Vitamin A.
- Golden Rice has been in development for more than 20 years and it does seem to have the extra beta-carotene that even lends it color to the grain making it golden instead of the characteristic white.
- The original developers and scientists working on Golden Rice were powered by a sense of greater good and they even mandated that the grain when fully developed and distributed to famers be on a not-for-profit basis.
- Field trials conducted across several countries did produce the beta- carotene but the affordability and yields are still not satisfactorily established.
- Governments in Japan, China, India and even the Philippines (where the rice was developed) are yet to authorize this GMO crop.
- The not-for-profit mandate seems to have gotten a bit blurred along the way since it now appears to be owned by Agro Chemical giant Cyngenta, even as work on it continues at IRRI
It may appear Golden Rice
is being touted for it potential more than for its performance and is clearly
being defended even before its fully commercialized. Notwithstanding these
hurdles, scientists will ultimately get it right and pressure on governments
will only mount.
But in this entire debate over the years, all of us have gotten so
anchored in the GMO vs. non-GMO debate that the elephant in the room is no
longer visible to us. Here is the big question that is not being asked. Can GMO
Golden Rice really prevent child
The unfortunate but practical answer is No. This was explained to
me in a recent conversation I had recently with a pre-eminent doctor and national
award winning eye specialist (who had not heard about Golden Rice!). He said
that in his experience, he had seldom witnessed child blindness solely due to
Vitamin A deficiency! Malnutrition and dehydration, he explained prevent
Vitamin A absorption in the body and it is this lack of bioavailability of
Vitamin A that triggers blindness. No amount of fortified rice will prevent
blindness without first addressing the basic problems of nutrition and
dehydration that plagues poor children in dozens of countries in Asia and
Africa. This is akin to treating a symptom while ignoring the cause.
Countries will need to continue work towards improving food security and ensure their children get the basic macro nutrients in the form of carbohydrates, fats and proteins and then travel through Maslow's hierarchy of micronutrients such as Vitamin A, Iron, Iodine etc.
Whichever corner of the ring you now find yourself in, the fight on
Golden Rice deserves to be taken to a
different theater, free from the clutter and the noise of the GMO debates.
Insightful! Thanks for writing