- Crush a 1-inch piece of peeled, fresh ginger root in your kitchen pestle or even with the flat of a knife on a chopping board. Add this to one cup of water and bring to a boil. Let cool, strain out the ginger, add about 1/2 teaspoon of lemon or lime juice, and drink the water. It relieves the bloated, heavy feeling pretty quickly.
- Suck on a piece of preserved ginger. Not the variety that is sweetened, but ginger dried after marinating in lime or lemon juice.
We keep this handy in a jar in our kitchen.
Here’s how:
- Peel and cut ginger into half-inch pieces. Place in a bowl and squeeze lime juice over it until it covers all the ginger pieces.
- Let it sit on your kitchen counter for a day or two, until the ginger pieces look like they have absorbed the juice well.
- Store in a small jar in your fridge. They taste intense and slightly ‘spicy’ because of the ginger, but this really works.
- Steep the ginger pieces in the lime juice until they have absorbed the juice
- Set out the ginger on a plate on the deck in full midday sun for a few days or until they dry out completely and shrivel. They are now dry and ‘preserved’ and can be stored in a jar in your kitchen pharmacy pantry!
Coriander Powder:
- Boil 8 oz of water. Add 3 teaspoons coriander powder. Remove from stove and let it sit overnight or for about 5 - 6 hours.
- Strain out the coriander powder and drink the liquid.
It helps relieve indigestion and reduces bloat.
Coriander is also believed to be rich in phyto nutrients & flavonoids ·
This really worked for me. Thank you a lot.